© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Welcome to #PintAUOnline Trivia!
Brought to you live on Youtube
If you haven’t registered, buy a $5 ticket from link to be eligible for prizes
3 rounds (with breaks in between), 90 points in total
Answer sheets for all rounds accessible through https://pintofscience.com.au/online/trivia/answers which will be open when the trivia starts
Each team requires a team name and ONE scribe
Check and recheck team name and email address - it has to be the same for all rounds for your points to be calculated properly (case sensitive!)
Scores will be announced at the end of each rounds.

FAQ - Long and complete version
Important times
Event date: Tuesday, 12 May 2020
7:15 PM (AEST) |
Stream starts - get your teams ready! |
7:30 PM (AEST) |
End of round 1 |
PAID Registration cut-off time |
9:00 PM (AEST) |
Winners announced, end of event |
* times may change, but we'll aim to finish by 9PM
How our trivia will work
1. Form a team and come up with a team name
Our Trivia Masters will be reading out our questions through Youtube Live. Coordinate how you best communicate with the rest of your virtual team. Some possibilities include Zoom, Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, email, or carrier pigeon...
Whether you’re a solo player or a 10+ team, we can’t put you on our live scoreboard without a team name and it will be shown to the rest of the contestants, so be creative but also respectful!
Haven’t paid for a registered ticket to officially enter our Hall of Fame for prizes? Registration cut-off time will be the end of submission for Round 1.
Want to register now? Click on the banner below!
2. Designate a scribe - one per team
They will be responsible for inputting your team’s answer to our answering forms.
3. Answering forms available on our website
There are three answering forms, one per round. Make sure you choose the right one for each round..
Make sure you submit the same team name and email address every time.
FOR PAID TEAMS - put the same email address that you registered with! You should be able to find this in your order confirmation email.
You’ll be able to see the options for all the questions in one page, so only press SUBMIT at the end of the round when you’re confident with all your answers! There will be a delay between the end of the previous round to the start of the next round to allow for answer forms to come in, but we’ll STOP ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS 1 MINUTE AFTER THE END OF THE ROUND.
There will be a five-minute break between each round (including the 1 minute to submit your forms).
4. +1 per correct answer and no penalty - low risk high reward!
Throw out a guess if you’re not sure about the answer. We set the forms so that you need to answer all questions before submission in case you accidentally missed one.
Questions will not be visible on the answering sheets, only the options for the answers.
There are 3 formats to our answering sheets:
- Multiple choice: Pick the answer that you think is right
- Short answer: Do not use spaces (unless indicated!). Put only numbers (1234) or lower case letters (abcd) only.
- Match: Match the rows to the columns. For example:
Match the common name to the scientific name |
Cat |
Canis lupus familiaris |
Dog |
Felis catus |
You would select for row 1 - column B, and for row 2 - column A.
You’ll have to select an answer for all the rows.
5. Scoring system
Scores will be put up as fast as we can after each round so you can see where you stand and aim for our prizes (whether it’d be first/second or second last).
Remember, only teams that have paid our $5 registration fee are eligible for prizes. However, you can still follow along and submit your answers.
We’ll be showing the leaderboard at the end of the trivia - and after confirming paid registrations, we’ll get in contact via email with the winners after the event.
6. Tie break?
When multiple teams tie for our prize spots, we’ll calculate the total time taken by your team to submit your answering forms - in other words, the faster the better!
7. I need to know the answer to that question!
Fear not! We got your back! As we are scientists (and not magicians…) there are no secrets that will be left untold. Answers will be revealed at the end of each round in the live stream. We will also be uploading all our trivia questions with answers (and extra sources and references for fun) to our social media after we close submissions.