Paddington Ale House
141 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mount Hawthorn WA 6016, Perth, WA 6016, Australia
Leopold Hotel
326-334 Canning Hwy, Bicton WA 6157, Perth, WA 6157, Australia
5703 Animal Adventures https://pintofscience.com.au/event/animal-adventures 2024-05-13 05-13 13 May 2024 19:20 https://pintofscience.com.au/assets/Stock-Images-AU/f50728ec0c/Earth-18-Trees__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 17 Planet Earth earth https://pintofscience.com.au/assets/Topics-Subsite-6/40a33f91d3/earth-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 2904 Perth ["central"] Paddington Ale House 141 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mount Hawthorn WA 6016, Perth, WA 6016, Australia 0 5 1 Sold Out! Past event
5704 Down to Earth and Up in Space https://pintofscience.com.au/event/down-to-earth-and-up-in-space 2024-05-14 05-14 14 May 2024 19:20 https://pintofscience.com.au/assets/Stock-Images-AU/e1e867176e/Misc-08-Abstract-Bubbles__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 17 Planet Earth earth https://pintofscience.com.au/assets/Topics-Subsite-6/40a33f91d3/earth-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 2904 Perth ["central"] Paddington Ale House 141 Scarborough Beach Rd, Mount Hawthorn WA 6016, Perth, WA 6016, Australia 0 0 1 Sold Out! Past event
5705 Body, Mind and Soul https://pintofscience.com.au/event/body-mind-and-soul 2024-05-15 05-15 15 May 2024 19:20 https://pintofscience.com.au/assets/Stock-Images-AU/fd03479b63/Body-37-Heart__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 44 All Science all-science https://pintofscience.com.au/assets/Topics-Subsite-6/cb2869ba9d/Special-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 2906 Perth ["central"] Leopold Hotel 326-334 Canning Hwy, Bicton WA 6157, Perth, WA 6157, Australia 0 29 1 Sold Out! Past event
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