Pint of Science will still be bringing you research from around the country right to the comfort of your couch. Jump on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram on the 17th May to hear about the work and stories of amazing Aussie scientists from around the country by following the #ThisIsMyScience and #ThisIsMyField hashtag.

Our researchers have taken on the challenge of telling you all about their work, in just a few hundred characters, beautiful images and videos. Have you ever wanted to know:

... how to treat nuclear waste?

... how a star is formed?

... what’s the link with Brazil nuts and Alzheimer’s?

... how is wildlife coping in urban environments?

... can building design affect our emotions?

Come find out the answers to those – and many more questions. You’ll not only get to know the scientists behind the latest studies, but how they go about solving the problems. Don't forget to follow them.

Feel free to ask your questions about what they do and why they love it by replying to the posts.

If you are interested in specific topics, you can also follow the specific hashtags matching our different themes - #AtomsToGalaxies, #OurBody, #BeautifulMind, #TechMeOut, #OurSociety, #PlanetEarth. Grab a cuppa, sit back and enjoy some brand new science coming to your devices.

What's happening when

All the researchers will be publishing their content on 17 May between 09:00 and 16:00 AEST | 08:30 and 15:30 ACST | 07:00 and 14:00 AWST.

Make sure to follow @pintofscienceau on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook and watch the #ThisIsMyScience, #ThisIsMyField and #PintAU21 hashtags so you don't miss a thing.

Getting involved

Are you a researcher and want to play along? Share your stories with #ThisIsMyScience and/or #ThisIsMyField.
Here's the details on the challenge


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