From 18 - 28 May, brighten your morning routine and hit up YouTube daily for a Mug of Science.

While you enjoy your morning cuppa, hear from some of Australia’s greatest minds and emerging scientific talents in their natural environment. That’s right - we caught them in cafes and on campuses.

We interviewed scientists from every career stage and got to know the people beneath the lab coats. Join us as we discover how their scientific journeys began and the work they are doing to benefit society.

Getting involved

Tune into our YouTube channel daily at 10:00 AM AEST / 9:30 AM ACST / 8:00 AM AWST from 18 to 28 May.

Make sure you subscribe to our channel and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for all #PintAU21 updates.

What's happening when?

Episode 1: Forming Life - Luke Steller (with Larissa Fedunik)

Episode 2: Wiggly Worms - Narelle Dybing (with Tom Carruthers)

Episode 3: Genetic Detective - Erin Hahn (with Ruvi Lecamwasam)

Episode 4: Galactic Origins - Richard de Grijs (with Larissa Fedunik)

Episode 5: Quantum Learning - Kyla Adams (with Tom Carruthers)

Episode 6: Foot Appreciation - Viv Chuter (with Nattai Borges)

Episode 7: Art & Robotics - Damith Herath (with Ruvi Lecamwasam)

Episode 8: Beautiful Symmetry - Cheryl Praeger (with Tom Carruthers)

Episode 9: Coastal Matters - Troy Gaston (with Nattai Borges)

Episode 10: Space Computers - Fiona Panther (with Tom Carruthers)

Episode 11: Painting Pain - Fereshteh Pourkazemi (with Larissa Fedunik)

Episode 12: Bushfire Seeds - Sabrina Davies (with Tom Carruthers)

Episode 13: Engineering Bacteria - Trevor Rapson (with Ruvi Lecamwasam)

Episode 14: Cognitive Neuroscience - Kelly Garner (with Ty Humphries)

Episode 15: CEO's - Tom Carruthers and Jirana Boontanjai  (with Ruvi Lecamwasam)

Back to the full program of events.