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Take a walk on the wild side with us to discover some of the unique species here in the Wet Tropics, and uncover the secret lives of some of these animals.
Wonders of the Wet Tropics
Roslyn Peric
(Undergraduate Student, James Cook University)
A guided virtual tour through the rainforest and reef to see which incredible endemic species you can meet in two of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems, meeting here in the Wet Tropics.
Ros Peric is an undergraduate in Environmental Science at James Cook University and works as a photographer, tour guide and science communicator, as well as being a volunteer wildlife carer. One of her focus areas is the conservation of Flying-foxes and other native wildlife in Far North Queensland through education and community engagement.
Ros Peric is an undergraduate in Environmental Science at James Cook University and works as a photographer, tour guide and science communicator, as well as being a volunteer wildlife carer. One of her focus areas is the conservation of Flying-foxes and other native wildlife in Far North Queensland through education and community engagement.
Picky Eaters or Secret Gardeners: a Turtley Tale
Dr Abbi Scott
(Research Officer, James Cook University, TropWATER )
Green turtles on the Great Barrier Reef are surrounded by a feast of tasty seagrass, but just how much seagrass is on the menu? Come for a dive on some of our local seagrass meadows to uncover the secret eating habits of these turtles.
Abbi Scott is a researcher in the TropWATER Seagrass Ecology Lab at James Cook University in Cairns. She completed her PhD on grazing in seagrass meadows in 2021 and works on projects researching and monitoring seagrass and coral habitats on the Great Barrier Reef.
Abbi Scott is a researcher in the TropWATER Seagrass Ecology Lab at James Cook University in Cairns. She completed her PhD on grazing in seagrass meadows in 2021 and works on projects researching and monitoring seagrass and coral habitats on the Great Barrier Reef.
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