Other Perth events

Discoveries in astronomy

Past event - 2019
Wed 22 May Doors open 6 pm | Start time 6.30 pm | End time 8.30 pm
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Hear about recent developments in understanding the lives of stars, the discovery of gravitational waves and the mysteries of dark matter.

Auslan Interpreted Event

Stellar forensics: finding cosmic corpses

Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker (Senior Research Fellow, Curtin University / International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research)
It’s easy to spot stars when they’re alive and well. But after stars go supernova, they seem to disappear. Find out how radio astronomy can reveal the remnant of these huge stellar explosions, so we can further understand the lives of stars in our galaxy.

Dr Natasha Hurley-Walker is a top professional research astronomer, a Superstar of STEM, an ABC Top 5 Scientist, and a WA Tall Poppy Scientist of the Year. She loves to bring her beautiful radio view of the cosmos to the general public.

Gravitational wave discovery

Professor Linqing Wen (Professor, University of Western Australia)
If you get a bit starry-eyed about what an exciting time it is for gravitational wave astronomy, don't miss this one! A group at the UWA participated directly in the recent discoveries of gravitational waves, and we want to tell you about it.

Prof. Linqing Wen obtained a PhD at MIT in 2001 in astrophysics, worked at Caltech and at the Max Planck Institute before joining the UWA, and was a 2009 ARC Future Fellow and a Chief Investigator for the 2017 ARC Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery.

Pulsars: the Stars that Just Won't Die!

Sam McSweeney (PhD Student)
Is it a Nissan car? Is it a Bajaj motorcycle? NO! It's a SUPER... nova remnant that is only one stop short of turning into a black hole. This talk tells the fascinating story of PULSARS, their discovery, and the ongoing mysteries that surround them.
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