We’re sending Pint of Science out across the airwaves, presenting our researchers via our very own podcast.

From the safety of their own homes, our scientists bring their science to your home.

Our volunteers are interviewing our researchers through the month of May sharing those discussions via our podcast series, Pod of Science. Get your headphones, grab your cat and snuggle up with the blankets as we discover more about what’s going on around us.

What's happening when?

The full set of podcasts will be shared here shortly, but in the meantime, you can see past episodes by heading over to the Pod of Science page.

Make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for all #PintAU21 updates.

And to make sure you don't miss an episode of Pod of Science - subscribe to Pod of Science on soundcloud.

Getting involved

All of the Pod of Science episodes are available online via spotify or on this website.


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