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Versatile ba(t)cterias

Past event - 2019
Tue 21 May Doors open 6:30pm | Start time 7pm | End time 9pm
, {address}, {city}, {state} {postcode}
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Bat or fiction? What is the truth behind bats and disease? What adaptations have bacteria developed to build La Résistance, could bugs be the answer? Come and uncover the fat truth

Eating fat to stay alive

Ms Jessica Rooke (Post doc, University of Queensland)
Salmonella enterica is a versatile pathogen capable of causing various disease states in many different hosts, including plants. To survive in these varies conditions, Salmonella has adapted to utilising host fats to survive. Sounds interesting, doesn't it?

Jessica Rooke recently completed her PhD in microbiology and infection at the University of Birmingham. She is undertaking her first post-doc position at the University of Queensland.

The curious world of bats & their researchers

Miss Tamika Lunn (PhD student, Griffith University)
Flying-fox or fuzzy-sky-puppy? Join us to sort the myths from the facts about bats and gain a new perspective on how intrepid researchers in the field tackle the big questions. Warning: you may be exposed to adorable images of bats.

Tamika Lunn is a PhD student at Grifith University, investigating factors that drive Hendra virus dynamics in flying-foxes. She works with an international team of researchers undertaking a large-scale study on bat health, movement, and disease.

BugBusters: phage therapy in the 21st century

Dr Karen Weynberg (Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform Fellow, University of Queensland/CSIRO)
If antibiotics can't beat Superbugs, who ya gonna call? Antimicrobial resistance is a global crisis. By 2050, deaths due to AMR could outnumber those due to cancer or heart disease. Hear about research using phage therapy to bust this problem.

Dr Karen Weynberg is a Synthetic Biology Future Science Platform Fellow, jointly funded by CSIRO & UQ. She previously worked in marine virology but is now back on dry land; for a while, at least.
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