Other Brisbane events

Schrodinger's Multiverse

Past event - 2023
Wed 24 May Open: 6:00 PM | Start: 6:20 PM | End: 8:00 PM
Newstead Brewing Co, 67 Castlemaine Street, Milton, Brisbane, QLD 40614
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We delve into the possibility of a materials multiverse, where our universe's scientific laws could be broken. We will also discuss Schrödinger's cat, and how something so simple as temperature, can be a whole lot more complex.

What Temperature is Schrödinger’s Cat?

Dr Carolyn Wood (Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Queensland)
Schrödinger’s infamous alive-and-dead cat highlighted how quantum physics scales badly to the everyday world, and many everyday concepts like temperature don’t have clear quantum descriptions. How can a thermometer be at two temperatures at once?

Carolyn Wood is a Deborah Jin Research Fellow at the University of Queensland. She obtained her PhD in January, and researches physics at the interface between quantum mechanics and general relativity, looking for new applications to future quantum technologies.

The Materials Multiverse

Prof Ben Powell (Professor, University of Queensland)
The unproven, perhaps untestable, multiverse hypothesis suggests that there are many universes, each with different laws of physics. Many materials display very different physics in the vacuum. We will take a tour of this materials multiverse.

Ben Powell is an award-winning theoretical physicist. He studies the collective behaviours that emerge when we bring a septillion (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) or more quantum particles together and make them interact strongly.
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