Other Brisbane events

Living with the grid

Past event - 2019
Wed 22 May Doors open 6:30pm | Start time 7pm | End time 9pm
, {address}, {city}, {state} {postcode}
Sold Out!
Are the complaints really true? Are we turning into zombies from being online for too long? And what do 3D printers and plants have in common? $19.90 Porterhouse steak and happiest of hours from 4-6pm. Cheap pints, $2 off glasses of wine and $10 cocktails.

Dis:connected: our lives on and offline

Dr Jaimee Stuart (Lecturer, Griffith University)
The world is increasingly connected through the internet, but is how we act online disconnected from who we really are? Join us to discuss how technology changes the way we think, feel and act, and what impact this has on our lives both on and offline.

Dr Stuart is a psychologist who studies the impact of changing social environments and technology on the way we think, feel, and behave. He has been awarded numerous grants for his work with young people, investigating victimisation and wellbeing.

Planting art and growing science

David Harris (Lecturer/PhD Candidate, Queensland College of Art, Griffith University)
Zach LeBlanc (QUT Centre for Tropical Crops and Biocommodities)
How do you go from growing fonts from plant cells to hacking 3D printers to make living bioprints, inventing custom DIY science equipment, and conducting biology experiments? For two young scientists from different fields, collaboration is the key.

David and Zach are lecturers and PhD candidates in different fields at different institutions but are collaborating on research that crosses disciplinary boundaries to generate new forms of knowledge exhibited and published in varied places.
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