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The Mind and the Body. Learn about advances in medicine and the psychology behind music from scientists from CSIRO, the ARC Centre of Excellence and Melbourne University.
Influencing influenza
Dr Andrew Bean
(Health Domain Leader, CSIRO)
Influenza is an acute viral infection that occurs worldwide, is easily spread and has a high cost to society. To protect those at risk, the solution is vaccination, however, producing enough doses can be challenging.

Hit 'em where it hurts
Dr Nicholas Veldhuis
(Research Fellow, Centre of Excellence in Bio-Nano Science (CBNS), Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University)
I will talk about the need for new painkillers – why the drugs don’t work, why they cause unwanted side-effects, and how recent discoveries in neuroscience and drug delivery may help us to make better ones.

Music and well-being
Dr Amanda Krause
(Research Fellow, University of Melbourne)
Recent research has begun to examine musical activity and well-being. But what are the benefits of playing and listening to music? I will provide a short overview of what is known about how music can influence our well-being.

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