Pint of Science in Australia is a registered not-for-profit and relies on volunteer passion and the community's support to keep going.

Your donation could go towards us being able to support and celebrate our volunteers and speakers' success. It could pay for our PA hire when the best venue is just missing that one key thing. Your kindness also helps us ensure that we can continue to pay our artist-in-residence and one day start reimbursing our other volunteers (like our graphic designers, media officers, etc) for their time. 

If you have a different amount in mind, hit the 'other' button, your support could mean we’re able to offer science communication training for our speakers, or helps us get the word out about Pint.

And if you wanna go all out, by all means press the 1K button! We've taken that one cent from the $5 donation and popped it on here. We figure it should even out assuming there's as many 1Ks as there are fivers. ;) 

However much you donate, thank you for your support, we appreciate it, and hope to see you at our next event.

Please note that while GST-exempt, donations to Pint of Science Australia are not tax-deductible.

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