The Hidden World of Science

Natasha Bong (she/her)

Natasha Garcia Bong professional photo.

2025 Annual Digital Artist, Natasha Bong

Artist Biography

Natasha Bong is a self-taught digital artist with a degree in microbiology. Her tertiary education and experience in research have provided her with an appreciation and interest in the science happening every day in our lives. Having recently graduated with her Honours degree, Natasha is just embarking on her scientific career. In her spare time, Natasha continues to pursue her creative interests, including creating digital illustrations and sewing her own vintage-inspired clothing. 

Artwork Rationale

Creative depicted of Pint Glass with beer, bubbles and foam, with elements within the glass referencing Pint AU's six key themes.

2025 Annual Digital Artwork "The Hidden World of Science"

‘The Hidden World of Science’ aims to highlight the exciting ways science happens around and in us everyday, and most of the time we don't even think about or notice it. From the electronics we use, to the bubbling of our drinks, to the molecular machinery in our cells, and the rotation of our planet - it is all science.  

Natasha showcases the six key talk themes at Pint AU events, as the motifs encased within bubbles, demonstrating the ways science happens around us each day. 

Individual motifs from 2025 Artwork, depicting six key talk themes

To connect the themes with Australia and further emphasise everyday science, the pint glass has been framed with parts of the eucalyptus tree (seen as gumnuts and leaves).

Gum nut element from 2025 Artwork

Eucalyptus trees can be commonly found across the Australian environment, and not much thought is given to them most days - yet when you stop and think about the complex inner workings of plants, and how they sustain their lives and that of other organisms, you can come to appreciate the wonder of everyday science.  

To further highlight Australian research, the platypus has been selected as the mascot, due to its uniqueness and it being an iconic Australian animal. Natasha hopes this year's artwork inspires awareness, appreciation, and a sense of awe for the science that happens around and in us everyday.

Platypus Mascot from 2025 Artwork

Connect with our 2025 Annual Digital Artist, Natasha Bong on LinkedIn.