© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Our vision is of an Australian community that
embraces excellence and diversity in science,
understands and enjoys the benefits of scientific endeavour,
and is equipped to discern reliable sources of information
enabling evidence-led decision making.
Pint of Science in Australia has a strong future with potential for growth and expansion across the country. Attracting hundreds of volunteers and speakers each year, the festival is fast becoming a cornerstone of science engagement in Australia.
This strategic plan outlines the direction for the festival through to 2025. It focuses on the positive difference the festival can make in the science engagement sector within Australia, highlighting opportunities for those invested or interested in science to benefit from the festival as a training space to develop science communication skills and gain experience in event management.
This strategic plan will provide guidance for the festival moving forward and is reviewed annually to ensure the continued success and growth of the organisation and its impact.
The mission of Pint of Science Australia is to deliver science engagement, primarily through an annual, national festival, that builds the Australian public’s appreciation for science, contributes positively to combat inequity and negative stereotypes within the Australian science sector, establishes and supports cross-discipline collaborations, and celebrates and champions excellence in the Australian science and science engagement sectors.
Appreciating science
Pint of Science Australia will build public awareness, understanding and appreciation of science.
Our objectives are to:
- expand the general public’s appreciation of science; and
- enhance the quality and effectiveness of science communication by scientists in Australia.
We will achieve these objectives by:
- delivering accessible and relatable science presentations to the public via our speakers and live events;
- increasing and enhancing our outreach using innovative communication techniques including via social media;
- providing opportunities for scientists at all career stages to gain skills and experience in clearly and effectively communicating their science;
- delivering science communication and media training workshops to scientists;
- providing training, mentorship and learning opportunities for volunteers to develop team leadership, communication and event management skills;
- encouraging scientists to become spokespeople for science in the public arena; and
- amplifying promotions for Australian science communication initiatives.
We expect to achieve enhanced public engagement with, awareness and appreciation of, and respect for the sciences, resulting in a shift towards individual and democratic decision making based on scientific principles and expertise. In this way we aim to counteract the pervasive influence of propaganda and persuasive rhetoric in the public arena.
Combat inequity
Pint of Science Australia will combat inequality and negative stereotypes within the science and science engagement sector.
Our objectives are to:
- combat inequity in science and science engagement sectors; and
- dismantle negative public and science sector stereotypes influencing perceptions of who can do science and who can talk about it.
We will achieve these by:
- participating in positive action initiatives such as ensuring the gender representation is balanced (50% female) when selecting festival speakers;
- promoting Indigenous science and scientists;
- leading by example through taking a public stance against inequity and negative discrimination based on gender, race and chosen discipline;
- increasing accessibility (hearing, physical access, language, etc) of Pint of Science events where possible; and
- encouraging others, including individuals and organisations in science and science engagement, to further combat gender and other inequities within the sector.
We expect to broaden the scientific community’s and the public’s preconception of what defines a ‘scientist’, and to encourage behaviour change in organisations in supporting underrepresented individuals in science.
Cross-disciplinary collaborations
Pint of Science Australia will promote, initiate and support interdisciplinary collaborations between science and arts/industry for mutual benefit.
Our objectives are to:
- expand science engagement through the arts; and
- enhance science-industry collaborations for mutual benefit.
We will achieve these by:
- leading by example through developing a funded arts-science collaboration via an artist in residence program;
- expanding the Pint of Science festival to implement ‘creative reactions’ where one-on-one partnerships between scientists and artists are established;
- promoting and encouraging industry collaboration and contribution to science outreach; and
- promoting science-art collaborations.
We expect to engage sections of the community currently disengaged with science via the creative arts, and to encourage artists, creatives and industry to engage in scientific outreach and social responsibility.
Celebrating excellence
Pint of Science Australia will champion, celebrate and support excellence in Australian science and science communication.
Our objectives are to:
- celebrate and support excellence in science and science communication; and
- expand the public awareness of Australian science achievement.
We will achieve these by:
- promoting research prize awardees and other excellence recognition programs;
- collaborating with organisations within the sector;
- provide speaking opportunities for Australian scientists as part of the festival to describe/communicate their work;
- amplify promotions of Australian scientific achievement and history; and
- promoting quality and excellence in science communication by the recognition of individuals and award winners.
We expect to achieve a greater awareness within Australia of local scientific achievement and excellence, and to build national pride in our academic and scientific institutions.
Operational sustainability
Underpinning the strategy is a grass-roots commitment to the core mission and vision. Our objective is to ensure long-term sustainability, efficient operation, and high-levels of professionalism without losing the foundation of the organisation strongly rooted in the passion of science-interested volunteers.
Plan Scope
International governance
Pint of Science Australia is an independant organisation acting under contractual permission to operate with the name of Pint of Science as part of the broader international festival of the same name. This strategic plan is not superseded by advice or direction from the international team based in the United Kingdom. Due respect will be given to our unified international goals and this plan will evolve, as appropriate, to accommodate the contractual and collaborative relationship.
National governance
Pint of Science Australia is delivered locally by volunteers who are organised into teams under local city coordinators. Local coordinators are responsible for ensuring their effort is consistent with the direction of the central national festival team. Central team members are responsible to the directors who will take guidance from this strategic plan.
Equity vs Equality
Pint of Science Australia is committed to an ethos that acknowledges the difference between equality, (the equal provision of resources and support to each individual) and equity. A policy of equity allows for the provision of appropriate resources and adequate support relative to the needs of individuals and is essential to combat societal prejudice and discrimination.
Throughout this page, the phrase science should be taken to include the important areas of technology, innovation, engineering, medicine and mathematics, and other broad fields like policy and communications when related to the science discipline.